blosxom :: the zen of blogging

I’ve started blogging with Pivot because I wanted something good (written in PHP and without a database support). It was great, but pivot’s too big for me. I want something lighter. And I found blosxom. But, at that time I didn’t have a cgi-bin support on my host, so I found Blosxom.PHP, a rewrite of original (written in Perl) for PHP. It was fun, but still it wasn’t what I needed. So, at last, now I’ve got cgi-bin and blosxom up and running. I’m happy now :-).

blosxom is really the zen of blogging: small, easy to configure and maintain, 50+ useful plugins, very flexible (tons of different styles), etc.

  • blosxom: 16,682 bytes
  • plugins(10): 75,058 bytes

NP: Mery Beats Jane „Mery Beats Jane“ (1994)

Од Дуле

mind over matter

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